Conduct Hearing Board Application

Students that are interested in becoming members of the University of Maine System Student Conduct Hearing Board should first read the position descriptions below, and then complete the online application.

Minimum Eligible Requirements:

  1. You must be registered for 3 or more credit hours at the University of Maine at Augusta.
  2. You must be in good disciplinary standing with the University (not on current sanction).
  3. You must be in good academic standing with the University (not on academic probation or suspension).
  4. Under UMA policy, to be eligible to serve on an administrative (non-SGA) UMA committee, you must have a GPA of 2.00 or higher AND complete at least 80% of all courses attempted.

Should you have questions, please contact Kim Kenniston at or 621-3310.

Student Conduct Hearing Board and Student Member Descriptions


The philosophy of the Student Conduct system is based upon the educational mission of the University.

The committee strives to:

  • Hold each student to a high standard of behavior, both to protect the campus community and to promote student ethical development;
  • Recognize the reality of human fallibility, and to use it as an opportunity for growth through an educational rather than punitive conduct process.

The Student Conduct system holds students accountable to behavioral and academic integrity standards.


The Student Conduct Hearing Board (SCHB) is charged with adjudicating cases of alleged UMS Student Conduct Code violations, educating the University community regarding relevant policies and procedures, and hearing proposed changes to the system-wide conduct policy. UMA has a standing board for each of the two campuses with the opportunity for distance education students to participate (physical presence is required for hearing cases but training may be done remotely). The complete UMS Conduct Code is available online.

When called upon, a sitting board may hear a case. A sitting board at UMA is made up of 1 faculty, 1 staff, and at least 3 students. Cases may be heard upon appeal from students who have been sanctioned dismissal, suspension, loss of recognition of an organization, or suspension from the residence halls or in certain types of cases such as allegations of dating or domestic violence. Students found responsible or sanctioned for VAWA related incidents also have a right of review as do their accusers. The SCHB determines if a UMA or UMS policy was violated, and if so, assigns sanctions that are appropriate to the violation. Possible sanctions range from a disciplinary warning, community service, or an educational project, up to and including suspension or dismissal from the University.

Finally, the Academic Integrity Board (AIB) is comprised of members of the Student Conduct Hearing Board. The AIB is the subgroup of the SCHB called upon to hear academic integrity cases such as cheating, plagiarism, and fabrication on academic assignments.


The UMS Conduct Code specifies the following responsibilities for members of the Conduct Hearing Board.

  • Upon referral to the Board by the Conduct Officer and at the request of the Board Chair, participates in conduct hearings.
  • Considers all oral testimony, written statements, or relevant documents, records and exhibits presented during the formal hearing.
  • Questions witnesses or parties to the proceedings at any time during the proceedings.
  • Not bound by strict rules of legal evidence, considers any relevant information of value in determining the issues and make efforts to obtain the most reliable information available.
  • Participates in closed session deliberations to determine whether the Responding Party has committed the alleged violation and, if so, the sanction(s) to be imposed.
  • Votes that the Responding Party is in violation of the Code only if convinced by a preponderance of the information presented that the Responding Party has committed the act(s) as charged.


Qualifications: Any student who is registered for 3 or more credits and who meets UMA standards for good standing and committee service. Nominations must be approved by the Presidents of the Augusta or Bangor Student Government Associations. Members must abide by all policies in the Student Conduct Code. Appointments are for one year.

Other requirements: The ability to strictly maintain the confidentiality of all information related to a student conduct case; think critically, work collaboratively with others; demonstrate sensitivity to and respect for others; and a strong sense of impartiality and objectivity.

Training: New committee members must participate in training regarding the University conduct system; skills in listening, questioning, and decision-making; and standards of evidence and due process issues. Additional training sessions may periodically be offered to develop and improve skills and knowledge, and to share information to enable board members to serve effectively. Training will occur in the fall semester and appointees will be eligible to hear cases upon completion of that training.

Time Commitment: The Hearing Board typically convenes for six hours of training (in 2021 this training will be offered online and/or in person). Hearings are rare at UMA. However, when a conduct hearing occurs, at least three students are needed to hear the case. Most hearings last between three and six hours. Board members serve as they are available so long as there is not a conflict of interest.

Benefits: Board membership provides an opportunity to develop practical skills that are important in daily life and are an asset to future employment. Such skills include conflict resolution, decision-making, consensus building, critical thinking and an awareness of diversity.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

In complying with the letter and spirit of applicable laws and pursuing its own goals of diversity, the University of Maine at Augusta does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship status, familial status, ancestry, age, disability physical or mental, genetic information, or veterans or military status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The University provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Equal Opportunity, 5713 Chadbourne Hall, Room 412, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5713, 207.581.1226, TTY 711 (Maine Relay System).