Support in times of global unrest

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff.

The recent escalations of war in Israel have shocked the world with new reports of conflict and unrest in the Middle East. I expect each of us has recognized someone who has been impacted by this and other ongoing wars in other parts of the world, either personally, through family members, or friends who have connections to people in these areas.

UMA’s numerous and diverse communities may be feeling sadness, fear, anger, and/or uncertainty. Please know that we extend our concern and support to all in our diverse community.

We are a strong community. I encourage us all to listen to each other, be considerate, be loving, and to do our best to support all who are impacted by these recent conflicts worldwide.

Sometimes we all need help in trying situations, so please remember that UMA offers numerous means of support for students and employees.

  • For students: UMA Counseling Services (207) 262-7835, or UMA After Hours Mental Health Support (207) 621-3344
  • For employees: Cigna Employee Assistance Program (EAP): 1-877-622-4327 or visit (the “Employer ID” is UMS)

Thank you,

Jen Cushman
UMA President