UMA was recently awarded $5,000.00 to provide free dental hygiene services (cleanings, x-rays, fluoride treatment) and basic restorative care (simple fillings) to qualifying veterans.

The UMA Dental Health Programs at both the Lewiston and Bangor Dental Clinics has been a dedicated member of the Maine Veterans’ Dental Network (MVDN) for the last three years. Northeast Delta Dental has provided $300,000 in funding to the MVDN for their 2024 program and UMA was one of 13 clinics chosen to participate in this fabulous network of providers.
A veteran must qualify and be pre-approved to receive the free services.
Before being seen at the clinic, simply contact the MVDN’s dedicated phone line 207-287-6836 or email for approval. Currently, the UMA Dental Clinic has openings for qualifying veterans this spring 2024 and fall 2024. For appointments, please call 207-262-7872.