City of Portland seeks to acknowledge and recognize legacy of civil right leader
Robert Katz, UMA art faculty member, is one of two finalists selected from a rigorous competition to design and fabricate a permanent memorial dedicated to the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that will be located on the Bayside Trail in Portland.

The Portland City Council established the Martin Luther King Jr. Recognition Task Force to consider how Portland could acknowledge and recognize the legacy of the civil rights leader. Members of this task force established a memorial selection committee to oversee the competition and selection process. A request for proposals garnered nine entries that the task force narrowed down to two design teams for final presentations.
Katz gathered a team of designers, architects, and historians, all who have a connection with UMA to work on the submission. These include both educators and graduates of the Art and Architecture programs. He will present his final design concept to the MLK Memorial Selection Committee on March 3, 2020 at Portland’s City Hall in the Council Chambers, room 209. The event is open to the public and the committee welcomes feedback from those in attendance.
Learn more about the City of Portland Martin Luther King Jr. Recognition Task Force.
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