Staff Placeholder

Adam Higgins

Facilities Maintenance Worker CL2
Rosmond Hodge

Rosmond Hodge

Student Services Coordinator

Stephen Hodson

Stephen Hodson

Institutional Research Analyst & Programmer
Lauren Holleb (Surrette)

Lauren Holleb

Assistant Professor of Mental Health & Human Services

Frear Hook

Frear Hook

Director of Design and Digital Marketing

Jill Hooper

Jill Hooper

Lecturer I - Part Time
Staff Placeholder

Thomas Howland

Part-Time Lecturer of Justice Studies

Scott Hughes

Scott Hughes

Artist Faculty


Staff Placeholder

Aubrey Huskey

Facilities Maintenance Manager

Sarah Hutchins

Sarah P. Hutchins

Administrative Specialist CL2
Tam Huynh

Tam Huynh

Executive Director of the HHRC and Community Partner

vickie ireland 1000x1000

Vickie Ireland

Assistant Professor of Nursing