At UMA, degree programs are administered by one of two academic colleges: the College of Arts & Sciences or the College of Professional Studies. Explore the colleges below for more information.
College of Arts & Sciences
What the Arts and Sciences have to say to our society has never been more significant than it is today. First and foremost, the College of Arts and Sciences is a student centered academic unit. We are proud of our high caliber students who show great intellectual and creative promise as well as strong character. Talented, dedicated, and readily available faculty members teach because they love their profession and students.
The College of Arts and Sciences emphasizes the concept of community and the individual’s place in it. We encourage each student to understand their role in creating the greater UMA community and making it an environment conducive to learning. As part of this process students find themselves in learning situations that ask them to hone their critical thinking and personal communication skills. In our college faculty, staff, and academic programs work together to help our students to realize their promise, to reach their intellectual, aesthetic, social, and moral potential: to become educated citizens of the 21st century.
Associate Provost & Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences:
Pamela MacRae
Jewett Hall, Augusta Campus
(207) 621-3255
Academic Administrative Coordinator:
Charlotte Lapierre
Jewett Hall, Augusta Campus
(207) 621-3286
Administrative Specialists:
Nicole Ciaglo
Jewett Hall, Augusta Campus
(207) 621-3099
Katie Haase
Jewett Hall, Augusta Campus
Art Program:
Lisa Moguel
Farmhouse, Augusta Campus
(207) 621-3479
College Offices:
Augusta Campus
152 Jewett Hall
Phone: (207) 621-3099
Bangor Campus
121 Belfast Hall
Phone: (207) 262-7750
Fine & Performing Arts: For more information regarding the music program, please contact the music department coordinator Anita Jerosch at (207) 621- 3179.
Danforth Gallery: For more information regarding the Danforth Gallery, please contact Amy Rahn at or visit the website.
TTY/TDD Phone: (207) 621-3107 or 1-800-316-3600 (in Maine)
College of Professional Studies
We have over 100 highly qualified full-time and adjunct professors, teaching in sixteen professional programs and one department (Mathematics). Our professional programs are well-known, and our graduates leave UMA as highly marketable and skilled professionals.
Whether your interests lie in the field of healthcare, government, or industry, we may have a program that suits you well! Explore our pages and please call us if you should have questions.
Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the College of Professional Studies:
Brenda McAleer, Ph.D.
Jewett Hall, Augusta Campus
(207) 621-3483
Academic Associate:
Terry Lawson
Augusta Campus, (207) 621-3288
Administrative Specialists:
Laurie Breton
Augusta Campus, (207) 621-3275
Julie Millay
Bangor Campus, (207) 262-7950
Melanie Aubuchon
Augusta Campus, (207) 621-3360
Alexis Bourne
Augusta Campus, (207) 621-3482)
Cybersecurity Program:
Michelle Brunton
Augusta Campus, (207) 621-3006
Dental Health Program:
Torrie Tardiff
Bangor Campus, (207) 262-7870
Nursing Program:
Julie Ann Guimond
Augusta Campus, (207) 621-3297
Veterinary Technology Program
Maggie Fruge-Reid
Bangor Campus, (207) 262-7850
Professional Studies Programs
Applied Science
Business Administration
Computer Info Systems
Dental Assisting
Dental Hygiene
Financial Services
Information & Library Science
Justice Studies
Medical Laboratory Technology
Mental Health & Human Services
Public Administration
Veterinary Technology
College Offices:
Augusta Campus
140 Jewett Hall
Phone: 1-877-UMA-1234 ext. 3288 (in Maine)
Fax: (207) 621-3293
Bangor Campus
121 Camden Hall
Phone: (207) 262-7850
Fax: (207) 262-7851