- Tutoring (Course content-specific tutoring available to request!)
- Libraries
- Katz Library, Augusta
- Nottage Library, Bangor
- UMA Portal Library site
- NetTutor (Online tutoring through your UMS account)
- Writing Centers (assistance on writing projects through in-person, zoom, or email)
- VAWLT(Virtual Accessibility, Writing, Library, and Technology)
- Offers live chat and Zoom.
- Student Tech Hub (offers live video and chat functions to assist with Brightspace, UMS account activation, and more.)
- IT
- Accessibility and Accommodations (Request accommodations for a course.)
- Proctored Exams (If your instructor requires proctored exams make sure to register early! This information can be found in your course syllabus.)
- Clinical Counseling (work with UMA Counselors free of charge to seek help)
- Silver Cloud (enroll in a free online program(s) to help manage stress, depression, anxiety, and more.)
- UMA 24/7 Mental Health Support Line
- 207-621-3344

- Student Life and Activities
- Fitness Center (Augusta and Bangor locations)
- UMA ID (OneCard) (Access to Library services, pay for printing on campus, and more!)
- Support from your local UMA center
- Early College Advising (Speak to an Early College Counselor about planning your future education, and accessing future possible careers through a UMA Early College Pathway)
- JMG (Jobs for Maine’s Graduates)
- Career Exploration
- Let’s Get Ready (A text-based peer mentor program for high school students to assist them through the college application process. Students entering their senior year of high school are automatically enrolled in the program. Contact Katie Flood, kfloodgerow@letsgetready.org, if you have any questions about Let’s Get Ready.)
- Title IX (Information on laws and federal guidelines, university policies, filing a report, and external resources)
- Student Conduct Code
- Academic Integrity
- UMS Early College Resources